Results and Live Race Day Updates can be found at Turboreg.
All race day results are located at Turboreg.
*Race History located below.
Racer should review results and file any protests by 3:00pm on the Tuesday following the Sunday race. Except the final race protests need to be filed within 15min of results being posted at the final race so awards can be finalized.
Series Points are posted on Tuesday by 8:00 pm.
Series Points
CXR Series Points Results Excel
CXR Series Points Results PDF
Lap Times csv
How to file a protest:
Email results@cross-revolution.com
Please include all the information that will help us find you on the camera, bib number, chip number, color of bike, racing kit colors, a photo is very helpful.
Series Points Issues:
If there are two of you in the series points that means there is something different in your chip, bib, last name, first, name, and category. To resolve this issue you must send an email to results@cross-revolution.com and inform the Results Crew to the change that is need and how you are going to use the correct chip, bib, last, first, cat for all the races left in the series.
Series points best 5 of 6, we will drop one race.
Upgrade Category – All upgrades must be done before the fourth race. When upgrading you can move 60% of your points.
RACE DAY History: